The Wuhan Institute of Virology Biolab in Wuhan, Red China
The Wuhan Institute of Virology Biolab in Wuhan, Communist China. Safety is an issue. Not guaranteed to be a secure facility. Let the Buyer Beware - the liabilities associated with this property could far, far outweigh the assets!
Probably not Biohazard-Proof, and quite possibly contaminated with the novel Coronavirus.
Covid-19 nasal swab test - to determine if one has the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Are some test better than others? Prices and availability of tests? Are some tests more reliable or more accurate than others?
Covid-19 blood test for antibodies - all about the blood test. Is it reliable? Are there different types and are some better than others? What about its reliability and its accuracy? Are there false postivies or false negatives?
What about pricing? Are there different prices for the test? Is there any price gouging or profiteering going on?
This test is suppossed to show if you have had the covid-19 virus in the past, and if your body has developed antibodies in response to it.
PPE & Ventilator Profiteering & Price Gouging by Sellers during the covid-19 SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic. Don't forget to use tags, and complete the location data. Thanks!